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Do you have to continue using Latisse? Latisse isn't meant to be applied to the lower eyelid. For full results, you must use the medication daily for at least two months. Eyelash improvements remain as long as you continue to use the medication. When you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will eventually return to their original appearance.
Is Latisse safe? According to clinical studies conducted before FDA approval, Latisse eyelash lengthener is safe for most people. However, you may not be a candidate for it if you have certain eye problems (such as uveitis and conjunctivitis), risk for macular edema, severe allergies or skin infections of the upper eyelids.
Where do you apply Latisse? Immediately draw the applicator carefully along the skin at the base of the upper eyelashes (where the eyelashes meet the skin) going from the inner part of your lash line to the outer part. DO NOT APPLY in your eye or to the lower lid because ex- cess hair growth outside the treatment area may occur.
The B***knows how to dress... Members of the Hook Eagle Morris Men group covered their faces with the controversial make-up as they gathered outside a pub in Hampshire last night. Gwen Stefani, 50, and beau Blake Shelton, 43, just released a teaser for latisse their upcoming music video for duet Nobody But You, on Friday. Thiem has won five titles this year and reached the semifinals of the ATP Finals, where only one member of the so-called Big Three stands in his way.